I pray that you all had a fabulous July 4th! The Man Beast was off for the day, which was a nice treat for all of us. We didn't do anything, though, other than camp out at home. The MB and I are catching up on past episodes of Lost. We're in Season 3 -- so if you've watched it -- DO NOT give anything away. I'll comment after I've watched the last episode on Season 4.
Update on the housing situation: We are moving August 1st!
Of course, now starts the fabulous chore(s) of weeding through stuff that we really don't need, packing, cleaning and gathering up the first months rent while simultaneously paying off our that humongous electric bill. (But I have faith that it will all get done. I'm not sure how...but I have faith.)
The Man Beast went over my book publishing contract. Oh, I don't think I told you -- I submitted my book to a publisher and it got accepted!
While I understood the contract, I wanted MB's input and whether he thought it was a good idea or not. He read it and thought it was an excellent idea. I'll be emailing the publisher this week and hopefully, we'll get the ball rolling on Monday. This means, that by this time next year, I'll have a book, in physical book form, available for all the world to read!~
Oh and a quick shout out to AllPosters.com. They offer free images to bloggers. Isn't that nice?
Update on the housing situation: We are moving August 1st!

The Man Beast went over my book publishing contract. Oh, I don't think I told you -- I submitted my book to a publisher and it got accepted!

Oh and a quick shout out to AllPosters.com. They offer free images to bloggers. Isn't that nice?
Congrats on getting the new house, I don't envy the moving task but in the end it'll be worth it, and on getting your book published!!
AWESOME news!!!!! Blessings dear friend..
ReplyDeleteThanks. And if I weren't a Christian, I'd be afraid that I just jinxed it all by sharing the news early. But I am, so I'm not. (Well, not really).
ReplyDeleteI had contemplated not tell you all anything until everything was said and done...but then what would I blog about?
Congratulations on the book deal, Iva. Let us know when it is available and what the title is so we can run out and get a copy!
ReplyDeleteOH, you know I will. I'll even provide the link...because, well you know..I'm cool like that. *grin*
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the book that is like totally awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck on the move. We might be having to do that soon. Oh joy. lol.
Iva, I went to AllPoster to check out the blogger images. How do I find them once I am on their site?
ReplyDeleteClick on any image you want and towards the bottom is a 'Blog This' link. Click on that and it will give you the code.
ReplyDeleteCongrads ! Iva on getting your book published. What is it about ?
ReplyDeleteThe book is about the power of God's love and forgiveness. Fiction, based on a few facts. (Note: sometimes, the more horrific ideas are fact and sadly, some of them are fiction -- but I won't share which ones are which, although if anyone knows me, they could probably figure it out. But it is most definitely listed as Christian Fiction.)
ReplyDeleteAnother note - I think all fiction has an element to truth to them, as most writers usually write from what they know or what they've experienced, either directly or indirectly. This why books 'speak' to us so much.