This isn't going to be a bashing post. I voted for the pro-life candidate and if give the chance, I would do it again. What's done is done. The American people have spoken and as an American citizen, I choose to support my president. As a Christian woman, I am taught that I need to pray for my leaders, including my president and those in other offices (trickling right down to my local sheriff, thank you very much).
In way of eloquence, I typically miss the mark - completely. But I ran across two blogs yesterday that were so eloquent and so gracious, that I just have to share them with you. (Both of these ladies have made my blog roll, but if by chance you never visit my blog roll, this post's for you).
Most of the time, Brenda and Ronnica, give their readers something to think about. I've never 'gone away' from their blog dismissing what was said - even if a post was on the light-hearted side of things. Yesterday's posts were not light-hearted and have sat with me all night - hence this post.
Brenda reminds us that whatever happens in this life, God is in it.
Ronnica suggests that maybe what happens in this life is our wake up call to get political. A new kind of political - supporting our leaders by first, congratulating them (isn't that a new take on things? How often do our leaders get congratulatory letters?) and second, by letting them know what we want; which things are not acceptable; which things are good.
This just might be the year that I wake up and become political. Not ugly. Not whiny. Respectful. Graceful. And definitely not sitting on the side-lines being a pew warmer. I will first and foremost, pray for my leaders. But after I pray for them, I'll give them feedback. After all, they are just public officials - representing the people. I'm the people. You're the people. Tell them what you want. Tell them what you need.
Remember, God has changed Kings' hearts in the past. He can do it again. He is sovereign. He has His hand in all of this. And to quote Martha Stewart, this could be a good thing.
Until next time...

Hey, you can't steal my Martha line, ROFL. (JT/JK)
ReplyDeleteTY Iva for always putting things in perspective and making me smile.
Thank you for the shoutout. I still need to write those letters. Hopefully I'll have a change this weekend.