Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sensational Haiku Wednesday: The Evening Edition

I *almost* missed it - but I didn't!

Join the fun!

This week's theme is JOY. I took a different approach to joy as I understand. It isn't anything that someone can bring you; it's a decision you have to make. The great thing about joy is that things don't have to be doing well in your life for you to have joy. In otherwords, one isn't necessarily synonomous with the other. Isn't that a great idea?

As always, you can click on the graphic to read other great Haikus.

Joy’s not happiness
Joy is nothing external
Joy is in the heart

Having joy is a choice
No one can give you real joy
Make the decision

Joy is many things
Joy is in the every day
Joy is simple, pure


  1. Thanks for the reminder that joy is a choice. I often forget to make that choice. Now I can be more conscious about it!

  2. Absolutely!! \\(^o^)//

  3. I enjoyed your recipe for Joy :O)

  4. That is just perfect and a perfect description of how it is so simple to be full of Joy. Well done!

  5. Splendid and true.

  6. Lovely words and ideas. Wish it were just that simple. Life hands out what it will and sometimes there is no joy.
    Well done....



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