1. Stop smoking
2. Lose weight
3. Get organized
4. Save more
5. Spend less
6. Get to the project that is sitting in the basket, closet, or garage
7. Spend more time with family
Did I hit them all? These are on most people's lists. (By the way, stay tuned for the end of this post for links to sites that can actually attempt to accomplish some of these solutions - Merry Christmas) Looking over the list, I see the stop to a lot of excess (smoking, eating, laziness, spending, procrastination). Amazingly enough, I don't think I've ever seen the following on a New Year's Resolution List:
You know, I really spend too much time with family. I really need to knock that off.
So, if our lists are made with good intentions, why do they fail? Too much, too soon, too fast? Perhaps. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Could it be that we forget the key component of these resolutions: ourselves? If someone wants to quit smoking (or do any of the aforementioned things), they must change long, ingrained habits. They literally have to change their way of thinking, acting, and maybe even their self talk. That's a lot of changin' goin' on!
So, what about doing one thing every day for a month. Just a month? Is it a doable? I think so. Fitarella has posed the challenge to her readers: Simply pick one thing to do every day for a month. When that month is finished, quit doing it. If you choose. Or continue doing it, but add a new "thing" that you will do every day for the next month. At the end of 12 months, you will have accomplished 12 mini goals. Even if you didn't stick with it, you did something. And that's saying something, right?
With all of this talk about resolutions, you might be asking: Do you have one? Yes. No. Like many of you, I never stick with resolutions. However, I have a feeling that this year is going to be different. You see, the same thing that convinced The Man Beast to quit smoking a year ago is the same thing that will motivate me to accomplish my resolutions: necessity. A year ago, TMB was so sick, he was hospitalized. Have you ever felt like you couldn't breathe and there wasn't a thing you could do about it? We are talking worse than the worst panic attack. This is what TMB felt. So, despite being on Chantix (which was causing all of the bad side effects listed on the side of the box), it was that stint in the hospital that scared him enough to allow him to quit cold turkey. No amount of nagging or guilt from the doctors or myself could do that. While I would never wish this scare on anyone, I am glad that The Man Beast was given a glimpse of what could be without having to go the whole nine yards. He was saved and for this, I am thankful.
My New Year's
And now for those links I promised (all of them free to help you with Resolutions #4 & #5):
1. Quit smoking: Quit Net
2. Lose weight: Spark People Look me up: Surfette729
3. Get organized: FlyLady
4. Save more:Coupon Wizards
5. Spend less:Credit Karma Check your credit for free (100% and forever)
6. Spend more time with family: See the little red "x" at the top right corner of your computer screen? Click that. Then press your computer's power button to turn off your machine. Move away from your desk. Go find your family!
Until next time...

Well wanna hear my to do new year list, its actually only one thing. To let go of some things that happened in my past that continue to haunt me. I was pretty horribly bullied in school, and that has had an impact on my entire life, I didn't want it to, but when something happens for 12 years of your life, it affects your actions long after it has stopped. And so over the course of the month of January, my therapist and I are going to sit down and make a plan for how we are going to conquer this mountain, and it may take most of the year, or even longer who knows. But I want to stop using up my time and energy on people and things that are no longer in my life. God willing, it will happen.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! you're a good writer! Here's to a fabulous new year and accomplishing our goals!
ReplyDeleteThe Lazy Mom