Saturday, February 14, 2015

Looking Back: Laundry (It Broke)

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I recently posted a flashback post I had originally published in January of '09. Just two short years, I post this. Clearly, I do not have it together!


I have a confession to make: I am terrible at keeping up on laundry. Terrible. I have a schedule and it has worked for me for the past couple of years. Everybody knows the schedule. Even the kiddos have it memorized. But as of late, the only time I recognize that I need to do laundry is when The Man Beast starts looking for clothes. Even then, I'll usually get to so far as to wash and dry them. Rarely are they folded and they are hardly ever put away.

I could make a million and one excuses as to why I'm so terrible at
keeping tabs on my laundry. Work. School. Scouts. Laziness. (Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!)

With school officially being over, I can't use work as an excuse any longer. Scouts are winding down as well. School? Well, that really doesn't take all day long to complete, now does it? NO.

So, I need to knuckle down on my laundry this summer. Today, I made wonderful progress. I put away the folded clothes that had made residence on my love seat for the past week. I went one step further and ironed all of our clothes before they got put on hangers.

Come tomorrow morning, I guarantee TMB will bellow from the bedroom, "Where are my clothes?" To which I can proudly respond, "Put away."

Until next time...
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