My all time favorite recipe site is RecipeZaar. They're really improved the site over recent months. The layout is awesome and the pages load really quick (unless you're at my school - then you have to wait an hour...but that's a story for another post).
What I like best about RecipeZaar is that you can sort the recipes. My favorite way to sort is by ranking. If it's got allotta stars, then it's the recipe for me! (I tend to rely heavily on tried-and-true recipes. I don't have a lot of time, money or energy to waste on cooking.)
Find a recipe you really like? Save it to your cookbook. It's free! (They do have premium memberships that allow you to create themed cookbooks - but I've had the free membership for several years and it's suited my needs just fine).
I ran across another neat site while reading my local paper this week - FunnySpoon. The by-line reads: The cooking site for real life.
When I first looked over this site, I thought: "This would be good for a guy - or gal - who doesn't know their way around a kitchen." FunnySpoon not only lists the ingredients in recipes, but also shows pictures of the main ingredients. I think this would be particularly helpful if there's an ingredient in a recipe that you aren't familiar with).
Registering with FunnySpoon is free, but I was able to access the recipes without registering. But if you want to register, you get some neat tools at your fingertips: shopping lists, add tips and tricks to recipes as well as rate recipes. Pretty neat, huh?
Until next time...
I love recipezaar. It is my go to place if I can't find a recipe. Also I really like their recipe "sifter". If I have a certain number of ingredients on hand but am not sure what to do with them I use that option to spit out a recipe that I can use. Very handy!
ReplyDeleteRecipezaar-- yes
Cook's Illustrated site
All are my favorite sites.
I'll be using recipezaar today. I have lots of stuff in my fridge that needs to be used this week.
Too cool! Thanks. Blessings